We invite you to an inspiring and joyful philosophical seminar on:

Scents of a woman...
The multiple powers of woman's identity
Come and reflect, wonder, dream, be inspired, smile and laugh with us for this special celebration of the Canadian International Women's Week themed "Beyond Laws: the Right to Be Me"...
Activist, lover, mother, professional, wife, teacher, community builder....
Four facets of life constitute the base of the rich and deep identity of a woman: intuition, courage, dynamism and love. These four qualities become her innermost powers when she knows how to meet herself and express her true nature.
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Where: Locke Library - 3083 Yonge Street, Lawrence Subway Station - SE Corner
Fee: $12 / $8 students
More information:
New Acropolis Toronto Team








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